Press release

Riga, 16 April 2020 - Representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development met remotely today with colleagues of the Estonian Ministry of Economy and Communication, the Estonian Agency for Information Systems, as well as the Ministry of Interior to discuss the continuation of cooperation between the two countries in the field of public administration and the digital transformation of services.

The main theme of the negotiations was the cross-border availability of data and public services, as well as work on developing a common data exchange model in the Baltic and Nordic regions. The aim of this cooperation is to ensure that national authorities share the necessary information, thereby providing citizens and entrepreneurs with increased amenities to move freely, to learn whether to work within the region.

For example, by facilitating business in another country, by allowing digital services to be received via their national eiD card, and by ensuring that the necessary information can be verified electronically by national authorities without requiring information from citizens or business.

During the meeting, Ministry and the representatives of the Estonian side agreed on ensuring cross-border access to transnational data exchange solutions, design and public services for citizens and entrepreneurs as soon as possible.

We are already in a position to access Estonian citizens through their electronic identification cards through the portal and some 10 more public services. . Latvian residents can identify on the Estonian services portal. Similarly, Latvian and Estonian businessmen can use a secure electronic signature for remote transactions.

Other information:
Agnese Vārpiņa
Minister's Councillor for Communications and Public Relations
Ministry for Environmental Protection and Regional Development
Tel. .67026478, email: