On April 23 2019, an agreement has been signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia on the implementation of the Norway Grants programme "Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Environment" (Programme) in Latvia.
Programme Operator: on December 14 2017 Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Latvia on the implementation of the Programme, that defines Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MEPRD) as the Programme Operator.
The total allocation for the Programme: ~16.5 million euros (Norway Grants allocation 14 million (85%) and national co-financing ~2.5 million (15%) euros).
Objective: Climate change mitigated and vulnerability to climate change reduced.
The following activities have been planned in the Programme:
by the spring of 2024, the Programme will contribute towards addressing climate and environmental issues in accordance with 18 February 2020 Cabinet Regulation No. 93 "Regulations for the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 programme "Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Environment"", which includes:
- two pre-defined projects:
- MEPRD project “Integration of climate change policy in sectoral and regional policies” implemented in partnership with the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre and the Norwegian Environment Agency;
- Ministry of Agriculture project “Enhancement of sustainable soil resource management in agriculture” implemented in partnership with the University of Latvia, the Latvian State Forestry Research Institute "Silava", the State Plant Protection Service and the Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research.
- an Open Call “Mitigation of Risks Related to Historically Contaminated Sites” dedicated on remediation of polluted sites;
- Initiatives under the Fund for Bilateral Relations;
- Programme administrative costs.
Pre-defined projects:
- MEPRD project “Integration of climate change policy in sectoral and regional policies” envisages:
- the development and implementation of various tools for integrating climate change policies into sectoral and regional policies where within the framework of the project, a regional data collection and reporting system, an electronic database on ozone-depleting substances and F-gases will be developed;
- the national warning system will be improved, the latest data on Latvian coastal erosion will be developed, as well as other results will be achieved.
- The Ministry of Agriculture project “Enhancement of sustainable soil resource management in agriculture” aims to improve climate policy planning and update national soil data, thus promoting sustainable land management and strengthening climate change adaptation capacity.
Open Call “Mitigation of Risks Related to Historically Contaminated Sites”:
- Aim - to support the remediation of historically contaminated sites with a view to improving the quality of soil, ground, groundwater or surface water, restoring and improving the quality of the environment in and around contaminated sites and to reduce risk to human health and environment;
- Eligible applicants – local government, direct or indirect administration institution, port authority or special economic zone authority, which is responsible for the port;
- Each project applicant may submit only one project proposal;
- An open call is intended to support the remediation of at least three historically polluted sites.
Fund for Bilateral Relations supports:
- activities aiming at strengthening bilateral relations between Norway and Latvia;
- the search for partners for donor partnership projects prior to or during the preparation of a project application, the development of such partnerships and the preparation of an application for a donor partnership project;
- networking, exchange, sharing and transfer of knowledge, technology, experience and best practice between the co-financing beneficiaries and Norway and/or international organizations;
- activities aiming at strengthening cooperation and exchanging experiences and best practices between the Programme Operator and similar entities within the Beneficiary States and Norway, as well as international organizations, provided that at least one entity within Norway is involved in the activity.
The Donor Programme Partner: the Norwegian Environment Agency
More detailed information is available at the National Focal Point’s website: www.norwaygrants.lv