Climate change Press release

Riga, 11 February 2020 - The Cabinet will view the information report prepared by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development ON the European Commission's communication “European Green Course”. The report summarises Latvia's position on the Green Course, which will ensure that the EU is moving towards climate neutrality* in 2050 while implementing the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals**.

Environment and Regional Development Minister Juris Owl (AP!): The European Green Course includes a series of new measures and policy initiatives to achieve climate neutrality in Europe in the long term. The proposal aims to raise climate policy ambitions over the next ten years. Climate policy will create new opportunities for Latvia's economy as well as new, well-paid jobs s. We are aware that rapid and simultaneous economic transformation will be a challenge, as investment and innovation will be needed, as well as investment in training for workers."

One of the priorities of the European Green Course is the Environmental Monitoring Mechanism, with a new EU Environment Action Programme expected to accompany the Green Course in 2020. The review of the implementation of environmental policy will play a key role in identifying the situation in each Member State.

* link to UN website

** climate neutrality is a situation where economic activity and consumption do not have a negative impact on climate. Achieving climate neutrality is characterised by the balance of GHG, namely reducing all emissions and compensating for non-reduced emissions in plants (g. K. in forests) or underground capture and storage.

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